Val Scura – The Dark Valley with Arianna Tricomi. Video

February 23rd, 2022

Mountainwatch | Video

Three-time Freeride World Champion Arianna Tricomi grew up in Corvava in the Alta Badia region of the Dolomites, her home surrounded by dramatic mountains, including the 2665m Sassongher.

Val Scura (translation: the Dark Valley) is a couloir that runs vertically through the mountain and Arianna could see it from her window, “staring at me.” However, despite the time spent skiing her home mountains in her youth, Arianna had not attempted Val Scura.


After moving away from the Dolomites seven years ago to compete and ski all around the world, Arianna has an appreciation of her home and was drawn back to finally ski the couloir she had grown up looking into, a couloir she describes as “long, steep and perfect.”