Mountain Adventure 3d: Out Of Bounds – Torah Bright’s Documentary to Screen Exclusively at Imax Melbourne

February 16th, 2022
Jeremy Jones, Torah Bright and Sammy Carlson on an epic journey through some of the world’s wildest untamed terrain.

Mountainwatch | Press Release


We’re giving away 2 double passes to the premiere tomorrow night of Mountain Adventure 3D: Out of Bounds featuring Torah Bright, Jeremy Jones and Sammy Carlson  at IMAX Melbourne tomorrow! Just head to Mountainwatch instagram and follow the prompts to win. The winners will be announced tomorrow at 2pm the names will be at the door.


Melbourne, Feb 16: Olympic Champion, Torah Bright will release her new documentary, MOUNTAIN ADVENTURE 3D: Out of Bounds to the Australian market this February, exclusively at IMAX Melbourne. Premiering on Thursday 17 February, Torah will welcome guests and take part in a Q&A interview following the screening, before it’s open to the public from Saturday 19 February.

The film captures the gold medalist’s journey on an epic adventure as she endeavours to snowboard from Antarctica through Alaska.

Set against a dazzling backdrop of some of the highest and most visually stunning snow-packed places on Earth, the documentary follows Torah as she snowboards the mountains of the American Cordillera, stretching all the way from Antarctica through Alaska and the Arctic Circleon. What transpires is an epic journey of discovery.


Mountains tower above the plains and dominate the skyline. Critical to life, they fill rivers, sway the weather, and provide sanctuary to incredibly diverse wildlife. They are as beautiful as they are dangerous and for a brave few, they are the source of incredible adventure.

Through some of the most spectacular and heart-stopping extreme skiing and snowboarding ever captured for the giant screen, Torah rides with backcountry legend Jeremy Jones and freeskiing superstar Sammy Carlson.  Together, they encounter penguins, polar bears, and other wildlife, and meet with scientists and environmentalists to uncover a deeper understanding of our mountain ecosystems.


MOUNTAIN ADVENTURE 3D: Out of Bounds will be playing exclusively in Australia via the world’s best largest cinema screen at IMAX Melbourne. Tickets are available now at