Winter’s First Snow Falls on Hirafu Village, Niseko – Photos

October 30th, 2014

Gondola cabins lie in wait. It won’t be long until there’s 3m high snowbanks lining that car park. Image:: Yasuyuki Shimanuki

Mountainwatch | Photos

There’s something inherently beautiful about the change of seasons; something that has captivated humanity throughout history. If you’ve ever been in a ski town during the transition from Autumn to Winter you will know that feeling all too well – it’s the buzz at the grocery store as everyone smiles and nods to each other with a stoked-out vibe, and it’s the feeling of throwing on that extra layer for the first time since Spring.

In Japan this sentiment is no different, only over there it seems that people seem to have a stronger – almost spiritual – connection to the ebb and flow of nature’s seasons. So when the first snow flakes began to settle on the ground of Hirafu, local Niseko Photographer, Yasuyuki Shimanuki couldn’t wait to get out there and capture it with his creative eye. Thankfully, we all now get to marvel at the results…

Don’t forget, it’s now only a matter of time until those cold Siberian storms begin to deliver mountains of pow to the Japanese Alps. Flights are cheap and there’s still some great deals on accomodation. Book now, don’t wait.

The amount of snow that will end up falling here astounds us. Last winter, Niseko got over 16m. Image:: Yasuyuki Shimanuki

Autumn constrasts. Image:: Yasuyuki Shimanuki

That local farmer would probably want to make sure he grabs those bails quick-smart. Image:: Yasuyuki Shimanuki

Those colours… Image:: Yasuyuki Shimanuki

Storm clouds linger. Image:: Yasuyuki Shimanuki

The mighty Mt Yotei, with it’s first dusting for the season. Image:: Yasuyuki Shimanuki

Niseko forecasts,
snow reports and
live snow cams.