Video – Lydia Lassila – The Will to Fly Trailer

August 10th, 2015

Mountainwatch | Video

Olympic champion Lydia Lassila’s tumultuous freestyle aerial skiing career is set to be immortalised in film, with the release of Australia’s first female feature-length sports documentary, The Will To Fly, in October this year.

It’s a biographical narrative that chronicles Melbourne-born Lydia’s life and sporting pursuits, through and beyond the years of world dominance by the Australian aerial ski team.

In particular, the film focusses on Lydia’s perseverance despite two knee reconstructions, her return to the 2014 Sochi Olympics after the birth of her first child and her drive to become the first woman ever to perform the most complex and dangerous manoeuvre in aerial skiing: a quadruple twisting triple somersault.

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