Australian Weekend Forecast, Friday, July 5th – Calm & Sunny Next Few Days for the Little Shredders, Unsettled Weather from Monday

July 5th, 2024
A nice morning in Falls Creek today and the fine weather will continue over the weekend

Mountainwatch | The Grasshopper

Published early Friday 5th July 2024

We’ve got fine weather for the next few days, thanks to high pressure and a light SE flow, which is great for all the kids on holiday at the moment. The slopes will be positively humming with little shredders, and since all that snow fell at the weekend, temperatures have been nice and cold so the snowmakers have kept them in good nick.

Things will start to change later on Sunday as we approach more unsettled weather next week, with winds turning northwards and clouds building before light showers develop later on Monday.

Latest pressure analysis and satellite image. Source: The BOM (vandalised by the Grasshopper)

Friday July 5th

A nice clear, sunny day with a chilly start will have the snow guns adding a fresh layer of dust. Light breezes from the E-SE.

Saturday July 6th

Lovely and sunny again as a light breeze from the E-SE continues. Temps in the negatives during the early hours will see more snow being made.

Sunday July 7th

N-NE winds develop and will bring cloud to NSW resorts during the latter half of the day while it remains clear over Vic. Another chilly start for the snowmakers.

Monday July 8th

Cloud increases as northerly winds pick up, then light showers develop from afternoon, possibly falling as snow about the very tops.

Extended Forecast

A weak low-pressure system is likely to bring some rain with snow about the tops on Tuesday the 9th into Wednesday the 10th of July, not crazy amounts mind you, maybe something like 5-15mm.

A stronger front is due to hit the Aussie Alps from late Thursday July 11th, starting with heavy snowfall to mid-levels before pinning back to lighter snowfall to low-levels on Friday July 12th. We may also see a few light snow showers throughout the weekend of the 13th and 14th July.

That’s all from me today folks. The next forecast is Monday, see you then and have a great weekend.
