Storm Drops 10-20cms Across Australian Resorts. Photo Spread

June 30th, 2024
Morning light on Mt Buller after the resort’s first “proper” snowfall of the season. Photo: Tony Harrington

Mountainwatch | Reggae Elliss

Yesterday’s storm delivered some much-welcome snow across the Australian resorts, the Victorian resorts faring well with Hotham and Mt Baw Baw reporting 20cms this morning while Buller and Falls Creek received 16cms. The front hit around midday in Victoria and it snowed from the start and with sub-zero temps during the storm, the snow was high quality.

Drew Jolowicz sampling 20cms of fresh pow in Hotham this morning. Photo: Dylan Robinson
Winter vibes in Falls Creek this morning. Photo: Matt Anthony

It was a different story in NSW where it was two degrees warmer and the snow level sat at around 1750m with a heap of rain at lower elevations. Perisher and Thredbo reported 5-7cms at 1700 metres this morning, but there more up high with 20+cms at the top of Thredbo’s Basin T-bar (elevation 1965m) while photos at Mid-station Perisher showed 15cms.

The table measurement: Mt Hotham above Mid-Centre Perisher, below.

There was strong to gale-force NNW winds during the storm, peaking at 119km/hr at the top of Thredbo and 91km/hr at Mt Hotham. That saw chairlifts on wind-hold in most resorts, but it also blew in a lot of snow, filling in the terrain at higher elevations.

Fresh snow at the top of Thredbo’s Kosciuszko Chair. Photo: Elliss

The weather cleared late this morning and a few people ventured into the backcountry, where by all reports there was a mix of dry windblown snow and 25cms of fresh, once again high-quality snow thanks to cold temps which dropped to -6 at midday.

The forecast is for colder temps and good snowmaking conditions over the next few nights and all resorts will be working on opening more terrain with the busy school holiday period underway.

Check our daily snow reports for up to date details on snow conditions at Mt Buller, Falls Creek, Baw Baw, Hotham, Thredbo, Perisher, Charlotte Pass, Selwyn Snow Resort

A magic morning in Hotham. Photo: Dylan Robinson 
Main Range tracks today. Photo: Dave Tweedie
Fresh snow and off piste fun at Perisher. Photo: Perisher
Ripping turns on cold winter snow in Falls today. Photo: Matt Anthony
Mt Kosciuszko today. The cornice formed during yesterday’s storm when winds hit 119km/hr. Photo: Dave Tweedie